A short and sweet team check-in for dumpster fire years.

2020 has been a veritable buffet restaurant (a creepy one you find in strip malls that has bad Yelp reviews) of distractions, and with the ongoing stressful news cycles — much of your team may mentally be elsewhere.

Creating intentional connection is always important but there are also quick ways to get a sense of where everyone is at. This can help in allocating energy for tasks that need to be done, or understand the needs of your team, and it gives us a sense of visibility in an often cluttered environment such as remote meetings.

Sour, Sweet, Craving

Directions: At the beginning of your meeting allow everyone a chance to briefly answer the following prompts. As always, participants can share as little or as much as they would like and the replies do not have to be about work.


  • What is currently challenging or stressful?


  • What is something sweet in your life right now? What’s going well?


  • What are you looking forward to? This can be anything in general, even hypothetical! (I’m craving a mimosa on a beach…or literally anywhere that’s not in quarantine)

More resources:

img via Kamran Aydinov



Easy Bake Workshop

Lisa Wetter & Michelle Ruiz share tasty ideas and general items related to stress-free, yet impactful facilitation.